Methos Statemant For Site Mobilization & Installation Of Temporay Facilities.
The scope of this method statement is to prescribe the Mobilization and Installation of Construction Facilities in Tamimi – Professional accommodation village Site F. This document covers the sequence activities for the Temporary Facilities and Office Portable Cabin & Equipment Mobilization. General lifting operation of construction materials / equipment in Neom Construction Site.
The purpose of this document is to follow proper methodology and to carry out the activities in sequence for the Temporary Facilities and Office Portable Cabin & Equipment Mobilization, general loading, unloading and lifting operation of construction materials / equipment at Construction Site.
3.1.Construction Manager:-
shall be responsible for overall construction activities inclusive ensuring that all safety measures are implemented and permits are obtained from the relevant authorities connected with the scope of work.
3.2.Project In charge:-
shall be responsible for this implementation of this method statement pertaining to all mobilization and Installation activities.
shall be supervising closely the activities designated to them and ensure that all instructions are followed and all necessary work permits are in place prior to commencing the work and safety procedure of the project are strictly adhered to.
3.4.Safety Manager:-
shall be responsible for the enforcement of safety procedures and shall ensure that all the works are carried out in accordance with the Permit to Work requirements, Company safety.
3.5.Mobile Crane Operators:-
- Undergone Crane Operator’s Training Course and possess valid certificate.
- Before the start of every work shift, to carry out operational tests on all limiting and indicating devices under no load conditions before any lifting operation is carried out and shall enter the results of such tests in a log book or log-sheet.
- To ascertain whether the ground conditions, in particular the ground surface on which a mobile crane is to be operated, are safe for travel or any lifting operation; and if he is of the opinion that it is not safe for travel or any lifting operation, he shall report this to the lifting supervisor.
- To ensure that any outrigger when it is required is fully extended and
- Not to carry out any lifting operation unless he has been briefed by the lifting supervisor on the lifting plan.
- Not to hoist any object if he is unable to ascertain the weight of the load.
- Not to hoist any load unless he has received a clear signal from a flagman.
- Not to engage in any act or maneuver which is not in accordance with safe and sound practice.
- Not to hoist any load if there is any obstruction in the path of maneuvers and if there is any such obstruction, he shall report this immediately to the lifting supervisor.
- Not to maneuvers or hold any suspended load over any public road or public area unless that road or area has been cordoned off.
- Not to operate a mobile crane or a tower crane within 3 meters of any live overhead power line.
- Not to use the crane for any operation for which it is not intended, including pulling or dragging a load
- To ensure that any stationary truck mounted or wheel mounted crane is adequately and securely blocked while it is on a slope.
- To report any failure or malfunction of the crane to the lifting supervisor and to make an appropriate entry of the failure or malfunction in the log book or log-sheet of the crane.
- Appoint a rigger in a workplace unless the person has successfully completed rigger training course acceptable to Neom.
- Check the slings to be used for slinging the loads to ensure that the slings are of good construction, sound and suitable material, and adequate strength and free from patent defect.
- Ensure that an adequate number of legs of the sling are used and that the slinging angle is correct so as to prevent the sling from being overloaded during the hoisting.
- Determine the weight of the load which is to be lifted and inform the crane operator of the weight of the load;
- Ensure that only proper lifting gears are used in conjunction with the sling.
- Ensure that the load to be lifted is secure, stable and balanced.
- Ensure that any loose load (which includes any stone, brick or tile) is placed in a receptacle to prevent the load or part thereof from falling during the lifting operation.
- Place adequate padding at the edges of the load which come in contact with the sling so as to prevent the sling from being damaged.
- Report any defect in the lifting gear to the lifting supervisor.
- Undergone Rigging and Lifting Training Course with valid certificates.
- Ensure or verify that the load is properly rigged up and gives a clear signal to the crane operator to lift the load.
- Give correct and clear signals to guide the crane operator in the maneuver of the load safely to its destination.
- Rigger techniques and knows how to attach cables or ropes to the load. That includes knowing the right hitches to tie, and the load they can support safely.
- Can recognize any hazards associated with a lifting and moving job.
- Figure out where the center of gravity has to be on a load to keep everything stable.
- Give signal to communicate their meaning to other members of the crew.
- Can use different types of rigging equipment such as slings, shackles, chokers and winches.
- They can move heavy equipment through confined spaces safely.
- Can tilt, dip or turn suspended loads to avoid obstacles or hazards such as overhead power lines.
- Dismantle, clean and store rigging equipment after use.
- Comply with all regulations and safety requirements.
3.7.Banksman/ Flagman:-
- He will be in-house trained, with a whistle and hi-visibility vest.
- Assist in assessing the ground conditions prior to the entry of equipment/ machinery/vehicle.
- Use standard signals to guide the movements of machinery/equipment/vehicle at/to the location of works to be carried out.
- Communicate to the drivers/operators during the movements of the machinery/equipment/Vehicle.
- Station full time on site assisting in guiding all vehicular movements on site.
- Report any incidents/accidents to his immediate supervisor, site/safety personnel.
- The movements of machinery/equipment/vehicle will be stopped during the absence of the banksman to prevent any incidents on site.
- The operator/driver must be able to see the banksman during the communication process.
- The banksman must be stationed in such a way not to be in the line of fire (front, behind or in-between) of the equipment movement.
- Accepting individual responsibility for their own safe behavior as well as sharing responsibility with their fellow workers and line supervision to look out for their own as well as their co-workers.
- Work in a safe manner at all times.
- Complying with HSE requirements which apply to an individual’s work activities.
- Keeping the work area in an orderly condition.
- Wear PPE provided to them and inspect it daily.
- Comply with work instructions and permits.
- Attend daily tool box/pre-task meetings.
- Inspect all tools before use and on a daily basis.
4.Equipment and Temporary Facilities:-
6.1.Equipment: (May use or required / if applicable)
- Bobcat Auger.
- Backhoe Loader.
- Loader.
- Grader.
- Dump Truck.
- Water Tanker.
- Trailer for transport the materials.
- Crane.
- Compactor (if required).
- Forklift (if required).
- Electrical Generators.
- Welding machines.
- Trailer.
- Temporary Construction Facilities (Offices, Smoking Shelter, Rest Shelter, Septic Tank/Built-in Toilet etc.)
- Personal Protective Equipment.
6.2.Tools (May use or required / if applicable):-
- Measuring and Leveling Tools.
- Hand held Tools- Spanner, screw driver, plumb etc.
- Lifting Tools- Belts, Sling, Chain Block, Hoist, Shackle, Spreader Beam, Ropes etc.
- Tower Lights.
- Generators.
- Portable power Tools like Grinding machine, Drilling Machine etc.
- Stepladder & Extension ladder.
- Welding Torch.
- Fire Fighting Equipment.
- Cleaning Materials, etc.
5.1.Preparatory Work
- Apply for an Internal Permit to Work (PTW) prior to Mobilization and Installation activities
- Survey and measurement should be taken and
- Lifting supervisor, rigger & crane operator will check & plan the travel routes prior to mobilization. Ensure travel routes & access to the jobsite is in good condition and free from obstruction.
- Check and confirm crane set-up positioning
- Soil compaction must be carried out to set adequate ground condition for portable cabin and lifting work
- Concrete blocks foundation and reinforcement works must be finished and checked before placement the portable cabin and other construction facilities.
- Portable Cabin must be placed at proper level
- Working area shall be barricaded with proper devices & warning signs to
- Unauthorized person are not allowed in the area barricaded
- Workers shall wear appropriate PPE for the
- Safety personnel & Lifting personnel, rigger shall be present at all time during lifting activity.
5.2.Lifting Works (Installation of Offices Cabin and Construction Facilities, etc.)
- All lifting tools, equipment and ropes for tag line used for lifting shall be inspected and certified by Neom regulations. Activities shall be done according to the proper method statement for lifting and mobilization.
- Submit method statement and Risk Assessment for review and approval by authorized person before commencing the mentioned work.
- Lifting plan shall be filled up and attached with load chart and Certificate shall be submitted during application for permit.
- Apply the lifting permit before work Safety Officer, Supervisor and foreman will conduct toolbox and brief the safe lifting operation before work start.
- Prior to Lifting Works, it must have an approved Lifting permit and Lifting Plan. Which indicate the type of cranes & lifting gears accessories indicated. The lifting plan must be attached with the lifting permit and display in the lifting area.
- Before starting the lifting work, the assigned people must wear proper PPE and adequate safety procedure must be implemented.
- All employee and worker involved in the work should first undergo t raining or safety induction at HSE Dept. Office
- employ an experienced, competent and responsible Lifting personnel (Rigger) to plan and execute lifting operations.
- Barricade the marked location scheduled for unloading and lifting operation with safety signage.
- To Provide safe work during mobilization of office portable cabin, there are consideration which take according to weight of the cabin.
- The site supervisor should prepare the site area to be clean and clear from obstruction.
- Positioned the Crane near the designated unloading or lifting area and steel plate should be place over the landed of the crane out-rigger.
- Attached the hooks lifting gear with tag line to the hook attached to the tip of lifting boom.
- Attached the hooks to the four lifting slot corners of cabin skid frames, and ensure that the hooks or shackle were locked. The load shall be controlled by means of tag lines to prevent the load from turning or swinging.
- Repeat the process until all materials were unloaded.
- Safety equipment must always present and ready for immediate use.
6.HSE Requirements:-
- All personnel involved in the above activities shall follow the requirements of the Permit to Work (PTW) and the Project HSE Plan.
- All safety measures and Company safety procedures shall be implemented.
- Barricades, warning signs or safety signs shall be fixed around the construction area.
- All work permits (as applicable) shall be obtained prior to commencing any work.
- All earth moving equipment shall be operated and maintained by properly trained personnel.
- All work area shall be kept clean and tidy.
- All requirements of the risk assessment shall be communicated to the appropriate work crew members.
- Emergency Response Plan will be disseminated to all employees.
- Safety Induction will be given to all employees prior to commence at work site.
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that includes Personal Gas Monitors shall be provided and worn by all personnel.
- Tool box talk shall be conducted on a daily basis to inform the workers of the recent safety issues and incidents and to get feedback of any unreported unsafe acts. Feedback will then be processed and resolved.
7.Safety Procedure:-
- Area shall be barricaded adequately with warning barriers prior to any lift.
- All Equipment shall be checked for good conditions before commencing the work.
- Unauthorized persons shall be excluded from the area.
- Lifting equipment capacity and correct load slinging will be verified.
- When lifting, the personnel shall not remain in the lifting equipment work area.
- Adequate safety signs and warning signs shall be provided.
- All lifting equipment shall have valid certificates.
- Only trained and authorized personnel shall operate the vehicles /Machineries.
- All lifting gears and shackles used shall be approved type with valid certificates.
- Electrical installations and equipment shall conform to standards.
- Do not stand under suspended loads.
- On completion of job, the area shall be cleared of any materials and keep clean and tidy.
- Hazard analysis for hazardous operation shall be carried out prior to commencing the works.
8.Personal Protective Equipment:-
Each employee is furnished personal protective equipment which shall be consistently used. Specifications for personal protective equipment shall comply with standards.
Hard Hat: Employees are responsible for wearing hard hats with chin straps during any work activity that may expose them to a head injury. The hard hat must be worn when working within any street or highway right of way or on a construction site.
Safety Vest: High visibility apparel (vest, shirt, or jacket) of orange, strong yellow-green or fluorescent versions of these colors must be worn whenever working within any highway right of way or on a construction site.
Orange is the only approved color for vests or shirts when working on railroad rights of way.
When conditions warrant the following personal protective equipment should be provided to employees:
- Safety glasses (Clear / Dark)
- Safety Goggles
- Dust masks
- Gloves
- Hearing protection
- High visibility apparel
9.Inspection and Testing Requirements:-
(If required)