Five Different Types of The Chains In the Civil Engineering

Five Different Types of The Chains In the Civil Engineering.
Introduction to the Chain Surveying.
The chain surveying method involves dividing the actual land areas into the little triangles and then measuring each side of the each triangle directly using a chain or tape.
In surveying, there are various types of the chains used to calculate land area.
Chain surveying is appropriate for small and less obstructed regions because it only takes linear measures, such as length and width, and excludes angle data. Chain triangulation is another name for chain surveying.
Types of Chains In Surveying
The followings are types of the chains in surveying,
- Metric Chain
- Revenue Chain
- Engineer’s Chain
- Surveyor Chain
- Steel Band or Band Chain
Here, we explain the types of the chains used in the surveying detail,
1)- Metric Chain:
This metric chain is widely used among other types of the chains in surveying and it.
Metric Chain
This metric chain, available in conventional lengths including 5m, 10m, 20m, and 30m, is one of the most commonly used chain forms in surveying.
However, in the surveying industry, metric chains are typically 20 meters long, and some predetermined interval tallies simplify the measurement process.
Tallies are fixed every 1m of chain length for chain lengths of 5 to 10 meters.
Tallies are installed every 5 meters for chains between 20 and 30 meters long.
The length of the chain is inscribed on the brass handle of a chain, and the letter “m” is displayed on each tally in the metric chain.
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2)- Revenue Chain:
This Revenue chain is frequently used in cadastral surveys. Its usual length is 33 feet, and it is divided into 16 links, making each link 2.06 feet long.
3)- Engineer’s Chain:
Each link in this engineer’s chain, which is 100 feet long and comprises 100 of them, is one foot long. The reading is done in decimal and feet.
A brass tag with 10 links is present per 10 links in an engineer’s chain, representing 10 feet.
4)- Surveyor Chain:
This surveyor chain has 100 links, each 0.66 feet long, for a length of 66 feet.
The Gunter’s surveying Chain is another name for the surveyor chain.
5)- Steel Band or Band Chain:
This steel Band chain is made out of a long, thin strip of blue steel that is uniformly 12 to 16 millimeters wide and 0.3 to 0.6 millimeters thick.
The metric steel band comes in 20m and 30m, but with continuous use, the chain’s length changes and shortens due to the links’ bending.