Method Statement For Surface Preparation Bitumen Coating.
The purpose of this MST is to define the required resources and procedures that shall guidefor Application of Water Proofing (Membrane and Damp Proofing) for Hub and all activities to be carried out shall be in accordance with Client Construction procedure & project specification requirements.
The scope of this methodology covers but not limited to application for surface preparation and Bitumen coating along Damp proofing accordance with approved shop drawings and other project technical documents.
3.1 Project Manager
Project Manager has the overall authority and responsibility for allaspects of the Project. His responsibilities include as:
- Ensuring adherence with Company Policies.
- Managing site project activities on behalf of the Company.
- Establishing project requirements, policies, organization and schedule.
- Monitoring project’s progress and quality, approving final resolution ofall items of non- conformance.
- Approving all subcontracts.
- Ensuring implementation of the QA/QC Program.
- Issuing all project directives.
- Managing project’s costs.
- Initiating and negotiating with Client for all change orders and / orwork requests and signing change order and / or work requests.
- Preparing, approving and submitting progress reports to the Client.
- Having final authority on all site project activities.
3.2 Construction Manager:-
The Construction Manager controls and coordinates all work activitiescarried out in the construction site. His responsibilities as:
- Establishment and implementation of work procedures in the MS forthe execution of work.
- Review detailed construction schedule including redefinition of priorities where necessary.
- Control and coordination of the work entrusted to Sub-contractors.
- Planning and scheduling of the work force and equipment.
- Review of the materials delivery schedule.
- Preparation of data required for compilation of the Work ProgressReport.
- Preparation of the change order proposals.
3.3 Site Engineers:-
- The assigned engineer shall ensure that the current drawings relatingto the excavation activity are approved for construction.
- The engineer shall ensure that there are no conflicts with existingservices or other discipline issues.
- Co-ordinate all the site activities required for the execution of Work according to the contract.
- Liaise with site representatives of Client and Engineer to co-ordinatesafety procedures.
- Co-ordinate and explain the work to be carried out to the Supervisors Site Foreman.
- Ensure the compliance of works with the related approved QualityControl plan.
3.4 QA/QC Manager:-
- Representing the project for all quality matters
- Developing and maintaining the Project Quality Plan.
- Verifying implementation and adherence with QA/QC.
- Quality Procedures and / or work instruction.
- Preparation of new procedures and / or work instructions.
- Reporting items of non-conformance to the Project Manager.
- Reporting on the corrective action / resolution of non- conformance.
- Verifies program implementation by conducting project specific audits.
- Liaison with Client to coordinate and assist in Client audits, surveillance, inspections and approvals.
- Establishing, maintaining and overseeing the document control andrecord keeping function.
- Establishing, maintaining and overseeing the Non-destructive Testingand Wild Engineering functions.
- Quality Monthly Report Preparation.
- Evaluation of Suppliers/ Sub-Contractor’s Quality Systems.
- Coordination and supervision of activities related to the collation of the “Project Record Books.
- Preparation and submission of “Two Week Look Ahead Schedule” requirements.
- Preparation and submission of “Monthly Management Review Reports” on monthly basis.
- Organize Inspection and Test Plan for procurement, construction and commissioning phases.
3.5 QC Inspector:-
- Duties and responsibilities of QA/QC Inspector could be typically enumerated as follows.
- Ensure compliance with the requirements of the contract scope ofwork, technical specifications and contract quality plan.
- Conduct quality control inspection tasks in accordance with the requirements of the established inspection plans.
- Initiate RFI after verification of activities to be offered for Inspection.
- Signs and dates inspection reports for those inspection steps actually performed. Provides final acceptance sign-off of all prescribed inspection reports attesting to the completeness of the project.
- Calibration and use of the necessary measuring and test.
- Coordinate for the third-party agency for the required test.
- Initiate preparation of the job site quality control records.
- Reporting both verbally and in writing any non-conformance discovered.
- Reporting daily a descriptive of each day’s work.
- Conduct weekly QA/QC Toolbox meeting.
- Shall report/coordinate with Client personnel for witnessing all inspections and acceptance of the work items.
3.6 HSE Manager:-
- Ensuring work is carried out in a safe manner and, in an accordance with any manufacturers’ instructions etc., good standards of workmanship;
- Ensure site staffs are working in accordance with agreed Risk Assessment and Method Statements (RAMS) particularly where activities have the potential to cause environmental harm.
- Give healthy and safety advise to compete the site wastemanagement plan and, ensure it is followed.
- Ensure that the CEMP is implemented throughout all phases of the project.
- Carry out daily checks on site to ensure the site is secure and tidy.
- Weekly checks and “toolbox talks” carried and Weekly site inspection.
- Reviewing and improving conditions or methods/procedures where appropriate.
- Keeping records of and, reporting any incidents and close calls (nearmisses).
3.7 Environment Manager:-
The Environmental Manager is responsible for:
- Provide advice to Project Director / Manager / QHSE Manager on measures required to comply with the requirements of applicable environmental legislation and environmental authorities including the specific requirements of the project approvals and supporting documentation.
- Develop, review, implement and, update this CEMP in accordance to the requirements of client CEMP.
- Monitor and, report on the implementation of this CEMP and environmental performance.
- Set, monitor and, review environmental objectives and targets.
- Identify areas requiring improvement and, develop action plans, communicate compliance requirements, and, ensure all environmental obligations including legislative requirements and, approvals are complied with.
- Set, monitor and review environmental objectives and targets.
- Conduct environmental site inspections, auditing, monitoring and training, identify improvement actions and, track implementation of actions.
- Ensure relevant statutory legislation is monitored and, the requirements followed.
- Maintain adequate environmental records.
- Liaise with stakeholders as required.
- Ensure environmental issues are considered by all staff and areapplied to their work.
- Identify, investigate and, report on actual and potential environmental incidents and, non- conformances.
- Develop and, implement corrective and, preventive actions to prevent recurrence of incidents and, non-conformances.
- Attend HSE committee meetings as required; and.
- Monitor the implementation and effectiveness of the CEMP.
3.8 Safety Officer:-
- Responsible for the Client’s HSE implementation.
- Liaise with Site Engineers in implementation of site Safety Plan and issue safety directives accordingly.
- Makes sure HSE roles, responsibilities, policies, plans and objectives are communicated to all relevant personnel.
- Ensure that PTW requirements has been secured and must beavailable at site.
- Liaise with the Project Safety Manager in identifying the HSE training requirements of personnel and assist in arranging internal and external training.
- Investigate accidents and incidents that result in “Lost Time Accidents” (LTA’s).
3.9 Surveyor:-
Surveyor under the direction of the nominated chief surveyor has the responsibility to check the established main reference and check levels at regular intervals.
3.10 Supervisors / Foreman:-
Supervisors have the direct overall responsibility for the supervision of their allocated area including the direct supervision of the fixers and labors involved and the strict implementation of safety rules andprocedures.
4.Health, Safety and Environment Measures:-
4.1 General Safety Precautions:-
- Monitor and ensure that all safety precautions are being followed by the respective engineers, supervisory staff.
- Ensure that the supervisory staff have checked that all personnel have undergone any necessary induction trainings and that all personnel are equippedwith (PPE) Personal Protective Equipment.
- Ensure that all works have undergone the necessary pre-commencement STARRT talk provided by the works supervisor.
- Periodically inspect all works ensuring adequate signage and permits are in place.
- Conduct inspections as and where necessary to ensure plant equipment is in full compliance with the projects requirements.
- Where deemed appropriate issue corrective action notices and/or observation reports in line with procedures
4.2 Fire Control/Contingency Plan:-
- As per approved Safety Emergency Response Plan
4.3 Emergency Procedure:-
- As per approved Safety Emergency Response Plan
4.4 Accident Reporting Contact:-
- As per approved Safety Emergency Response Plan.
5.Quality Control:-
- All works shall be inspected according to the approved ITP.
- Checklist shall be used during inspection to maintain quality consistency.
- All activities shall be carried out in proper coordination with all trades.
- Good workmanship shall be adapted at all time.
- All works must comply with the relevant and applicable standard.
6.Control of Overlapping Activities and Works Interface withother Contractors:–
- in any case if there is an overlapping of works with other contractor or subcontractor’s activities, an immediate coordination shall be initiated between the contractors concerned or involved in the area of the activates.
- Work interface areas for each of the contractors shall be highlighted in the concerneddrawing and shall be identified or marked at site for exact location and easy references.
- In case of major overlapping dispute which cannot be solved between the contractors or subcontractors, the issue shall be officially communicated to the client/consultant for final resolution.
7.List of Equipment and Tools:-
- Coating Roller
- Trowel or Spatula
- Various Hand Tools
- PPE (i.e. Safety Shoes, Hand Gloves, Safety Hats, Visibility Test, Safety Glass,Cover All )
8.Material Delivery, Handling and Storage:-
8.1 Material Delivery:-
- All materials shall be delivered to the site using the appropriate channel/route.
- Materials shall be properly secured on the transportation means to avoid any accident.
- The materials temporary/final storage locations must be cleared and made readyprior to delivery.
8.2 Material Handling:-
- MSDS to be followed for the proposed materials and taken care while usage as per manufacturer’s.
- Material handling for coating materials shall be as per Manufacturer Recommendation.
- All heavy materials lifting procedures shall be planned before offloading.
- In case where heavy materials shall be raised, the appropriate equipment shallbe used to offload.
- In case of critical lifting, a lifting plan shall be provided with its risk assessment accordingly.
- MSDS to be followed for the proposed materials and taken care while usage as per manufacturer’s.
8.3 Material Storage:-
- Store damp proofing materials under cover at temperatures required as per manufacturer recommendations.
- The equipment supplied shall be packed for protection against damage during handling, transportation and The Contractor shall repair or replace any damaged items.
- All permanent storage areas shall be prepared accordingly prior to any storage.
- All temporary storage areas shall be prepared accordingly prior to any storage.
- Materials shall be stored and properly secured against damages.
- Store damp proofing materials under cover at temperatures required as per manufacturer recommendations.
- Storage areas must be frost free.
9.Bituminous Damp Proofing:-
9.1 Surface Preparation:-
Comply with the most stringent requirements of authorities having jurisdiction and with manufacturer’s written instructions for preparation before beginning application of termite control treatment. Remove all extraneous sources of woodcellulose and other edible materials such as wood debris, tree stumps and roots,stakes, formwork, and construction waste wood from soil within and around foundations.
9.2 Substrate Examination:-
- Substrate must be examined for compliance of surface smoothness & other conditions that may affects performance of work.
- Proceed damp proofing application only after substrate construction & penetrating works have been completed & all unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected.
9.3 Surface Preparation:-
- PROTECTECTION OF OTHER WORK: Protect adjoining exposed surfacesfrom being stained, spotted or coated with damp proofing.
- Damp proofing materials will be prevented from entering or clogging weep holes and drains.
- Thoroughly clean all surfaces to be coated avoid protrusion or projection and substance detrimental to work.
- Fill voids, seal joints and repair any damaged or cracked substrate.
- Stir approved damp proofing materials thoroughly prior to applications as per manufacturer recommendations.
9.4 Project Condition:-
- Prior to proceed with application of bituminous material, the following factors will be considered.
- Weather Limitations: Application of damp proofing will proceed only when forecasted weather Conditions allow to be applied in accordance with manufacturer recommendations.
- Ventilation: Adequate ventilation during application of damp proofing will be provided in enclosed spaces & maintain until thoroughly dried or cured.
9.5 Application:-
- Where required, damp proofing shall be applied to the following surfaces.
- All external reinforced surfaces in direct contact with soil & above water table & not to be waterproof.
- All reinforced concrete internal surfaces in contact with soil.
- Apply damp proofing materials using soft brush or broom to damp (not wet) or dry surfaces.
- Application is eased by dampening before and during use.
- Allow first coat to dry thoroughly and apply second coat uniformly as per manufacturer recommendations.
- Where necessary, Apply additional coats.
- This coat is applied at the right angles to the first.
- Where necessary, apply additional coats to achieve the required uniform coating thickness.
- Applied damp proofing must be protected from frost, rain etc. until fully cured & dried.
- storage and handling of material shall be as per manufacturer recommendation.
Contractors Option: Provide cold-applied, emulsified asphalt damp proofing within the following limitations.
- Use cold-applied, emulsified asphalt damp proofing on any surface indicated to receive damp proofing. One fibered brush or spray coat at not less than 1.2 L/sq.m, or one trowel coat at not less than 1.6 L/sq. m.
- Concrete footings, foundations, columns & walls: Two coats using brush or spray not less than 5 L/sq.m for first coat & 0.4 L/sq.m for second coat. One fibered brush or spray coat at not less than 1.2 L/sq. m, or one trowel coat at not less than 1.6 L/sq. m.
- Unparged Masonry Foundation Walls: Primer will be applied & two brush or spray coats at not less than 0.6L/sq.m for first coat & 0.4L/sq.m for second coat,primer& primer and one fibered brush or Spray coat at not less than 1.2 L/sq.m, or primer and one trowel coat at not less than 2 L/sq. m.
- Unparged Masonry Foundation Walls: apply primer and one trowel coat at not less than 2L/sq.m.
- Back of Masonry Retaining Walls: Apply primer & one brush or spray coat at notless than 0.5L/sq.m.
- Back of Concrete Retaining Walls: Apply one brush or spray coat at not less 5L/sq.m.
- Install protection course over completed and cured damp proofing in compliancewith damp proofing material manufacturer written recommendations for protection course installation.
- Keep tools in water or equivalent cleaning material during use and clean with water while still wet.
- Where necessary, remove damp proofing material from surfaces not intended to receive damp proofing.
10.As-built Drawings:-
10.1 Redline/Hand Sketch Drawing:-
- During activity, all modification done at site due to site conditions and are not consistent with the approved shop drawing shall be recorded accordingly.
- After final inspection of the activity or installation, the drawing shall be issued to the technical team to proceed As-built compilation.
10.2 Final As-built Drawings:-
- All As-built drawings shall be submitted accordingly once testing and commissioning works are completed and approved by the client.